How to cleanse Tarot cards

Have you ever done a reading for someone and then someone else said “Oh! Oh! Do me next!” They sit down in front of you excitedly. You shuffle and draw and then get basically the same reading as you did for the person before. I’m not saying that you necessary got the same exact cards (Although that can happen too!), but the cards still manage to give the same message as they did for the other person. In your heart you knew that the cards were still reading for that previous person. But why? The answer is that you did not cleanse the cards in-between readings.

If you’ve been watching my Tarot videos, you’ve probably noticed that I’ll usually film three in the same day. What you don’t see on camera is that before filming the next videos I take time to cleanse the cards. Cleansing the cards is necessary because sometimes the energy and intention of the previous reading can energetically become attached to the cards. It’s the same reason why you’ve felt uncomfortable in certain people’s homes even though there was no logical reason why. It’s why some objects make you feel uneasy and others you feel drawn to. If there is a lot of fighting or arguing in that home going on behind closed doors, you will still be able to energetically pick it up no matter how good of a show the homeowners put on for guests. Same thing if the worker was having a bad day when they were making the object you’re thinking of buying. You can feel all of that because the energy is stuck to the object.

So what do we do to rid our Tarot cards of that energy so that we can start over fresh? Off camera, I will spend a long time shuffling the cards until I feel like energetically the old intention has been “shuffled out” of the deck. This is done before I even shuffle for the new reading. In other words, the cards end up being shuffled twice. During the process I allow my mind to go blank and after I feel the energy literally fall out of the cards as I’m shuffling them, I make a fist and knock on the stack of cards (Same as if you are knocking on a door) three times. I then physically put them down. Sometimes I literally put them back in their case even if I’m intending to do another reading immediately. By putting them down and then having to pick them back up, I am physically and energetically sending the message to the cards that new energy is going in now

There are lots of methods for cleansing the cards out there. Other people will be-smoke the cards over incense smoke. Some will use a signing bowl in-between sessions. Others will have a clear quartz crystal near by to absorb the energy after it is removed from the cards. I came up with my method over time because it is what I was instructed to do. These messages came to me intuitively while working with the cards. If you too would like to develop as an intuitive reader and learn how to receive these kinds of messages yourself, please sign up for my newsletter and receive my free e-book. The sign-up box is just to the right of this page!

If you’ve developed your own methods for cleansing the cards, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

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