Capturing the Storm: Charging Talismans and Other Objects

You may have heard of things like talismans and amulets that can offer you protection, health, and good luck. But did you know that unless you “charge” the talisman then it’s just an object with no power?

Hurricane Ida is set to hit my area tomorrow and I am taking this opportunity to charge-up some talismans and amulets. Since I live in southwest Virginia, I will be on the outskirts of the storm and it should be totally safe for me to even be out on my porch at times during this storm. Still, it is a hurricane and packed full of energy that I can harness for future works.

When charging a talisman or amulet, look for these opportunities. I even brought a few things with me to charge when I saw Theresa Caputo live. Just to be clear, I was in no way attempting to steal her abilities and trap them in a piece of jewelry! Rather I was trying to capture the tremendous amount of energy that was present in that auditorium that night.

When you charge a talisman, you are not stealing energy of any kind. It’s simply energy that is present at a given moment or event and would then naturally start to dissipate over time. BUT, instead of allowing the energy to fade away on it’s own, you store it inside of the object or crystal or what-have-you. Now that energy is present for you whenever you need it and can lend extra power to your spell crafting of choice.

When charging a talisman for a specific purpose, be mindful of the type of energy you are capturing and thus what you could then use it for. For instance, in theory you could use the energy of a rock concert to charge a talisman. What is the energy of the crowd? Is it pure excitement and exuberance? How might you use that same energy for a later work?

In my previous career, I had landed a major deal one day. It may sound shallow, but I felt very proud of myself for that accomplishment, and at that time in my life I considered it to be a triumph. For that meeting I bought a new ring specifically to wear to that event. I charged it with the feelings of success and accomplishment I felt during that meeting. I then use that ring for times I want to feel on top of my game and speak well. It is a ring you can usually see me wearing in my videos.

To specifically charge a talisman, all you truly need is a strong intention. The stronger the intention and focus, the more energy you will be able to capture. Hold the talisman or have it on your person during the energy-charged event, such as during a strong storm. Observe the storm or event and visualize the actual energy being generated. To me, it looks sort of like colored swirling smoke, but visualize it however makes sense to you.

Visualize yourself pulling that energy into the talisman. Watch the energy travel into the talisman where it is now being stored. Be mindful of which energy you are capturing during this process. There can be many types of energy present during an event. For instance, during Hurricane Ida, there will undoubtedly be energies of death and destruction present. I will be avoiding those energies completely. Rather I will only be capturing the energies of rebirth and transformation that will also be present.

Once charged, if you would then like to use your talisman, all you need to do is to wear it or place it somewhere that has meaning, such as in your home or workplace. Set the intention that the talisman is now activated and will be working.

Can the talisman lose energy over time? Talismans prevent nature from recycling or transforming the energy into something else; this way it can stay present for you. Using my ring as an example, because I use it with so much intention, I do not ever see it being drained. However, let’s say you have a talisman hanging somewhere in your home that is fairly neglected. That talisman will slowly leak out energy and eventually need to be recharged.

If a talisman needs to be recharged or if you would like to charge it for a different purpose, you can cleanse it first by leaving it out in the moonlight overnight during the night of a full moon. If you live in the city or somewhere where it wouldn’t be safe to leave something outside, you can place the object on a windowsill where the moonlight will hit it or even the dash of your car.

Get creative with the energies you capture and how you use them. It can only amplify your spellcasting.

They whispered to her:

“You cannot withstand the storm”

She whispered back:

“I am the storm”

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