Returning Back to Art after 20 Years

When I was a kid, art was my life. I remember when I was in first grade, a child dared me to draw a picture of a horse that was on a pack of crayons. She said there was no…

The 10 Most Beautiful Tarot Decks Available Right Now

You guys know I love my Shadowscapes deck, but it is getting awfully worn and that’s when I start looking at other decks out there. These decks below are the current decks that I am lusting over and would happily…

This one Law Of Attraction trick has never failed me

Some years ago I used to be self employed and ran my own little solo business. I felt like I had gotten good enough in my career that I could cut out the middle man so-to-speak and just work for…

The Invisible Child all Grown Up

There is now a “Part 2” follow-up to this post. You can read it by clicking here If you’ve been researching the roles that children are forced into in dysfunctional families, you may have come across the terms “invisible child”,…

How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox

The Fall Equinox, also known as Mabon, marks the celebration of abundance season. All around us, the vegetable garden is pumping out an excessive amount of crops. Even vegetables we haven’t seen since Spring are once again able to pop…

How to make your food taste like it’s from a restaurant! Easy tips & tricks to transform your cooking

Before I started my professional career, my pedigree as a worker started in commercial kitchens. I knew that food service wasn’t going to be my career, but I still wanted to learn anything and everything I could from the experience.…

10 things you need to start composting NOW!

You may have heard that we’ve lost half of our topsoil in the past 150 years and that topsoil is necessary for 95% of food production. I used to hear stats like this and feel alarmed but also not understand…

Maybe we can all now accept that as a civilization we’ve evolved passed war being a solution

Back in 2001 when the question of going to war with Afghanistan was first being raised, it seemed like everyone was for it. Only one member of Congress voted against it. After the Dixie Chicks spoke against the war, several…

Capturing the Storm: Charging Talismans and Other Objects

You may have heard of things like talismans and amulets that can offer you protection, health, and good luck. But did you know that unless you “charge” the talisman then it’s just an object with no power? Hurricane Ida is…

Here’s the types of plastic you can actually recycle: It’s a lot less than you thought

I’ve been traveling through internet “eco circles” since I was a teenager, and yet it’s only been recently I caught some buzz about “fake recycling symbols” on the bottoms of most plastics. Intrigued, I set out to do some research.…