Raise your Vibration – Change your Life

People will often talk about a person having “good vibes” or “bad vibes”, but what does that mean exactly? It implies that outwardly, there’s nothing “wrong” with the person. Their behavior is fine. The way they dress and act is fine. There’s nothing specific to point to, but it feels like something is off.

I was on Reddit recently and stumbled across a couple different posts where a woman was complaining about how strangers will often be rude to her or even start arguments with her and she has zero idea what she was doing to invite this on. It reminded me of all of the numerous posts I see where people complain about having no friends despite being a great friend to others, etc.

The secret in all of these cases is that the vibration is off. You may have heard that vibrations “match” and that “like attracts like”.  If you dislike yourself, other people are going to reflect that back to you.  If you are secretly thinking judging thoughts about others as a way to self-soothe, people are going to pick up on that too.  I’ve said it many times before, but it doesn’t matter how good of an actor you are.  Most people can tell how you secretly feel about yourself or how you secretly feel about others.

Now, just to be clear, this in no way excuses the behavior.  If someone’s acting polite or just being normal, people have no excuse to be rude or mean to such a person.  People are still responsible for their actions despite what vibe another person may be giving off.  

Where this situation becomes tricky is that we’ve all been taught to be a “good boy” or “good girl” and that meant to have good behavior.  If you grew up like me, very little attention was placed on your thought or feelings.  In fact, my parents frequently expressed to me that they didn’t care what was going on inside my head.  They didn’t want to hear about it, period.  I think in cases like that, the internal world might compensate by running wild.  And if your outward behavior doesn’t match the vibration you’re giving off, at the very least you’ll come across as being inauthentic.

In this video linked here, I discuss how to raise your vibration.  None of the 6 things mentioned in this video involve meditation and are things that I haven’t seen mentioned elsewhere.  AND these are all things you can start doing immediately.  With some consistency they will become a new habit and you will permanently change your vibration and change your life!

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