It’s the beginning of May and we are already clearing out harvests! So far it’s just mustard greens, turnips, and radishes, but it makes me excited for the season ahead. There is also a realization that there is a pressing need to learn some kind of food preservation because the garden is already turning out more food than I can eat.
If you are looking for a plant with good bang for your buck, I planted these gooseberry bushes just last fall and they are already loaded with tiny gooseberries! I’m assuming they will be harvestable soon but I don’t really know as I have never grown gooseberries before. We will learn together!
My husband built me this herb garden just outside our kitchen. I will definitely add a future pic once all the seeds have sprouted. This is our third growing season here and we add a little bit more to the garden each year. Rushing and stressing yourself out robs you of the enjoyment of the garden. My philosophy is to take your time and enjoy seeing things evolve.
I wanted to share a victory with all of you. I decided to do an experiment and plant “scrap garlic” (This is garlic I will allow to flower and will not be cooking with) like a fence around the border of all of my pest-prone crops. The experiment has worked 100%! I have had ZERO bug issues on these beds. As you can see from the picture, the kale is perfect with no holes on leaves whatsoever. I’m not kidding! The “garlic fence” has worked better than any pesticide on the market and I highly recommend it.
Something I found on my Boston property that has oddly held true out here in the country, is that the more “worked” the property becomes, the more attractive it seems to be to wildlife. You would think they would love the overgrown brush situation and whatnot, but apparently not. Truth-be-told, I don’t use any pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers, so it’s not “manicured” in a traditional sense, but the animals still seem to appreciate a cared-for property.
Guys, I am STILL working on the content for my next video! I really hope to get it finished this week, but we will see. Either way, I will start putting up the June Tarotscope videos next week. I will see you then!