What our pets want us to know when they pass

I was thinking that my first post after getting back from my trip would be about the incredible travel experiences I had just had, but when I came back, I immediately noticed that my cat wasn’t doing well and called the vet within two minutes of walking in the door. We’re not really sure what happened because the cat sitter said that the cat seemed fine the whole time, but when we took her to the vet she was in critical condition and had to be put down.

She was 16 and had lived a really good life with us. We adopted her as an adult from the ASPCA and bonded with her immediately. She was with me all the time and would pop up in videos as well as when I was giving mediumship readings.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that our pets are on the other side waiting for us. Although, I really do hesitate to say terms like “other side” because that makes it sound like our loved ones are far away. The connections we have in life never go away. We stay connected always. They are always “right here”. It’s hard to articulate and hopefully I’ll get better at describing these concepts over time, but I think it’s more accurate to think of the other side as another dimension able to interact with our own.

I’ve talked previously in a video about the vision I had with a being I’ll call “Grandmother Goddess”. What I didn’t mention in that video was that during that same experience I was also given information about the significance of our pets. It was explained to me that our pets are very special beings. Essentially they are a type of spirit guide. They are here to teach us that we are loveable, that we are “good enough”, and also to help us deal with and prepare for the difficult aspects of our human relationships.

A pet is there to guide us through a specific chapter of our lives. They have a lesson or a message to give us about that chapter that often only becomes clear after that animal passes. Trixie was my non-stop companion while I was healing from my trauma. Even when everything was upside down, she was a constant loving presence. Now that that chapter has ended, her work here is done and she has transitioned on to her eternal life.

It’s not unusual when I’m doing a mediumship reading to have a pet come through. Very often a loved one will mention that they are looking after the pets on the other side. When our pets cross over, one of our relatives are there to look after them and provide them with love and companionship until we are able to join them. More so than our human relatives, animal spirits will remain in our physical space with us for sometime before completely crossing over. The spirit of my previous cat stayed in the home with us for over a year before completely transitioning. This is just one aspect of the special spiritual bond we share with these animals.

When my father-in-law was dying he told me that the spirit of a dog he had had as a boy had been visiting him in his hospital room. I had never known my FIL to be an animal-lover, and yet this dog had been loyally waiting all this time to help cross him over. I like to think that when it’s my time to go, that my cats will be the ones to ferry me across.

One thing I’ve learned from giving mediumship readings is that death is not scary or painful. Our pets pass peacefully. The body feels heavy and it feels good to let it go. They are not upset at all about passing. They just want to make sure that we’re okay and are not negatively affected by their death. That’s really all that they are thinking about or caring about. They know that you did the best you could for them and want you to know that they are still with you.

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