Negative entities in Mediumship

I’ve been wanting to do a post on this for some time, but didn’t want to do it until I had my thoughts clear on the matter. As many of you may know, this is a VERY controversial topic in mediumship and people tend to go to one extreme or the other. So the arguments people make look like this:

  1. Anything in the non-physical realm falls into the spiritual realm, and the spiritual realm can only be pure love. Nothing else can exist because that is the realm of God and God is love ONLY. The only thing negative is us human-beings because we have lost our way. There is no such thing as ghosts or demons.
  2. Just like how there are bad people, there are bad spirits. People don’t become magically “good” the second they die. For every angel there is a demon. If you think there are a lot of angelic influences in your day-to-day life, there are just as many demonic influences. As a medium, it is very likely you will come into contact with demons on a daily basis.

In my personal experience, each argument is made with a lot of condescension and disrespect towards the other side. Due to this, I would never express an opinion about it in person. Even with the safety of the blog, I’m hesitant to give my own personal opinion.

If you’ve been following me for a while, then you already know that I’ve had my own experiences with possibly negative entities. An argument that people could give is that the entity-in-question wasn’t negative, but rather my interpretation of it was. One could also argue that I was viewing the entity through the lens of my own trauma experiences. I would honestly be willing to buy that argument if not for two events that stick out in my mind. In both cases, these were events that were witnessed and experienced by other people and I don’t know how to interpret them other than being objectively negative. I’m going to summarize them briefly below:

  1. The year was 1996 and I was looking at a website of “real life ghost experiences”. Suddenly a threatening man’s voice came from the computer. I thought my computer had been hacked so I immediately shut down the internet but it continued for hours. A quick refreshed on what computers were like in 1996: We had AOL internet via our landline telephone. If we were to try to download a 3 minute song, the computer would be tied-up for 2 whole days trying to download 3 minutes of audio. So, the computer really didn’t have the capability to play hours of audio, and yet the ranting and raving went on for hours. He said things like “I know who you are. I know what you are doing.” There was evil sounding laughter. I kept it going for hours so as many people as possible could witness it. I was also using my landline phone at that time, so there was no way I was possibly still connected to the internet. Finally I unplugged the computer and when we turned it back on, there were no audio files that had been downloaded onto it. If it was someone somehow talking through the computer in real time, I just don’t see how someone could keep it up for that long without their voice getting tired, needing a drink of water, needing to use the bathroom, etc. It was very scary and I don’t know how to interpret it other than in a negative way.
  2. OK second thing that happened where there were witnesses… We were preparing to move and had big heavy boxes in the basement. The boxes, on their own, were thrown repeatedly into the door that connected the first floor to the basement. We ran out of the house. When we came back into the house with some other people (Obviously we were scared because for all we know someone was trying to break into our house), we found the boxes stacked perfectly up against the door Tetris style. All the doors were locked and there was no sign of forced entry.

There are other examples I could give, but I feel like those two are unambiguous and there were also witnesses. You may disagree, and I wouldn’t blame anyone that does (definitely use your own judgment here), but to me those two events stands out as evidence I can’t ignore that some kind of negative entity exists.

Part of getting my head wrapped around all of this was watching the documentary “My Amityville Horror” (2013). Its the story of the son, Danny Lutz, now all grown up. He reveals a lot of information about what was really going on in Amityville that was never revealed. You can watch it for free on Youtube by clicking here. One thing that stuck out for me, is that it really wasn’t about this house in New York being haunted. It was more about the fact that these kinds had to move in with their abusive step-dad, and that’s when bad things started happening. This was when I started to connect the dots on my own life and my own experiences.

Once I moved out of my mother’s home at 24, I never experienced a “negative entity” ever again. So there’s a couple of possibilities here. Do human beings create demons? I suppose its possible. Does their negative energy attract demons into the home? Maybe. Is it also possible that these forces are basically protective and trying to help the kids by alerting them to the dangers of living with their abusive parents? I have to think it’s equally possible. All I know is that it stopped once I got away from my abusive family.

As a medium, I have never encountered anything negative. Even if I connect with someone who was not a good person in life, I have found them to be VERY motivated to try to heal what they did to their living relatives. It seems that if we’re stuck in some way due to the events of another person, that they too become stuck in some way in the afterworld. Once people die, they definitely do gain a perspective that they were unable to have while living. Their life-review causes them to see themselves through the eyes of the people they hurt. It doesn’t cause a complete transformation, but it does change them in a more positive direction.

My preliminary conclusions at the time is that if you are unhealed as a person (I think more specifically, I’m talking about people whose baseline has a lot of low level hostility towards others), you’re more at risk for these negativity entities. Possibly, you may even be creating them.

Again, there’s no way for me to know this as a fact. Take it as you will. These are simply my own conclusions based off of my own personal experiences. But if you have any thoughts or experiences you would like to share, please comment below.

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