Hedge Witchery

There is nothing wrong or inaccurate about Black Elves

As you may have assumed, I’m both a fan of Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, which means I’m watching both of the current series right now. Although I’ve tried to avoid it, I haven’t been able to…

We are ignoring our most important compass

“And then he got mad for no reason!” “Sometimes I just get anxious…” How many times have we heard statements like this where feelings are presented as something that simply exist outside of reason? Outside of context? As obstacles to…

Reclaiming our Crone Goddesses

In this video I share an experience I had with a Crone Weaving Goddess. One of the things that struck me about this experience was not only how incredible it was, but also how strange it was that I had…

Shadow Work & Psychic Development

Each and every one of us has a side of ourselves so well hidden, that even we don’t know it exists. This Shadow Self is made up of the parts of ourselves that we decided were “unacceptable” and rejected. The…

Did you really choose your own parents before you were born? Will a soul purposefully choose a life of suffering?

This post is something I’ve been wanting to write for a long time, but I didn’t want to sit down and type it out until I was really in the appropriate headspace to do it justice. Today is that day.…

Getting back into balance with the Law of Return

This is my second summer at the homestead and I’ve decided to double my planting space from last year. Obviously it’s a lot of work cultivating the land, not helped by the fact that I have heavy clay soil. While…

Raise your Vibration – Change your Life

People will often talk about a person having “good vibes” or “bad vibes”, but what does that mean exactly? It implies that outwardly, there’s nothing “wrong” with the person. Their behavior is fine. The way they dress and act is…

I did Kundalini Yoga for 30 days and here’s what happened

If you’re someone whose on a spiritual journey, you’ve probably come across the term “Kundalini Awakening”. When Kundalini awakening happens, all of the chakras become activated and balanced. Any energy blocks are released and you now have access to the…

Trauma & Spiritual Awakening

The connection between trauma and spiritual awakening has been known since ancient times. In this case, trauma could be referring to childhood abuse, PTSD, or physical trauma such as an injury or even near-death-experience. In each case, the individual finds…

Netahel: One of the most powerful angels you’ve never heard of

When you think of calling upon a powerful angel to provide aid, you often think of Michael, Metatron, or perhaps even Elubatel. But the fact is that there are hundreds of named angels out there, some with very specific abilities.…