The 2 Types of Tarot Readings & Why you need to decide which one you’re getting before you see a reader

So you’ve decided to go see a tarot reader. That’s awesome! Maybe this is the first time you’ve visited a psychic or maybe you’re like me and pay a professional for a reading every year. You’ll always get something out…

A Definitive Guide to the Higher Self

If you’ve been traveling in New Age circles, you’ve probably come across the term “the Higher Self”. I too came across the term at one point and became fascinated, mostly by how controversial the idea is and how there doesn’t…

What it Really Means When your Tarot Cards Won’t Give You A Clear Answer

This may be a familiar situation: You ask a question, shuffle your tarot or oracle cards, and what you receive in the spread just doesn’t make any sense. The cards are contradictory or simply aren’t leaning one way or another.…

First Season of Vegan Homesteading

Although I had been doing some form of “urban homesteading” in Boston, this year I decided to get serious and moved to rural Virginia. I moved in April 15th and it was off to the races! Road blocks I ran…

Returning Back to Art after 20 Years

When I was a kid, art was my life. I remember when I was in first grade, a child dared me to draw a picture of a horse that was on a pack of crayons. She said there was no…

The 10 Most Beautiful Tarot Decks Available Right Now

You guys know I love my Shadowscapes deck, but it is getting awfully worn and that’s when I start looking at other decks out there. These decks below are the current decks that I am lusting over and would happily…

This one Law Of Attraction trick has never failed me

Some years ago I used to be self employed and ran my own little solo business. I felt like I had gotten good enough in my career that I could cut out the middle man so-to-speak and just work for…