Why I never start seedlings indoors

If you’re interested in vegetable gardening and growing your own food, all of the advice out there is going to tell you to start your seedlings indoors. I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to do that. In…

Raise your Vibration – Change your Life

People will often talk about a person having “good vibes” or “bad vibes”, but what does that mean exactly? It implies that outwardly, there’s nothing “wrong” with the person. Their behavior is fine. The way they dress and act is…

I did Kundalini Yoga for 30 days and here’s what happened

If you’re someone whose on a spiritual journey, you’ve probably come across the term “Kundalini Awakening”. When Kundalini awakening happens, all of the chakras become activated and balanced. Any energy blocks are released and you now have access to the…