115 Articles2 Comments

These 3 Books are my Simple Living Bibles

I know a lot of people are always looking for a good back to help them when they are trying to make a change. Wanting to “read more” is also a pretty common New Year’s resolution. So I thought I’d…

The 8 Things Blocking Your Psychic Abilities (And how to REMOVE them!)

When I first started out, I could always tell that I had some form of psychic abilities, even if I couldn’t always demonstrate them. It honestly felt as though there was a “stopper” blocking the flow of energy, not unlike…

My Oracle Deck is now Available for Purchase!

Boy oh boy has it been a long road to get here, but my deck is finally available and ready to ship! You will notice that I now have a “shop” tab on the menu bar. It’s ready when you…

Guided Meditation to Unlock Your Psychic Abilities

I believe that everyone has the ability to develop their psychic and intuitive abilities. How these gifts manifest themselves will depend heavily on the interests, personality, and past experiences of the individual, but that does not change the fact that…

Read this if you have a hard time decluttering clothes

Clothes have been the hardest thing for me to tackle in my minimalism journey. I remember when I first started to embrace this path, I looked at my overstuffed closet and thought “But what do you do when they ALL…

If you have a hard time sticking to your New Years resolutions, read this

This time of year, we find ourselves thinking of our goals and aspirations for the following year. I love setting goals. Goals keep me motivated and give me those little feelings of accomplishment as I move through the year. But…

Zero Waste Swaps I Made this Year

Getting to “zero waste” may prove to be impossible, but every swap you make gets you closer to the goal. Consider that just by switching to a reusable water bottle saves an average of 156 plastic bottles per year. If…

The Best Damn Vegan Sloppy Joes!

I’m still mostly limited to food I can make on a stove top because I still don’t have a working oven and I just heard from the contractor that my kitchen renovation wont be able to happen until the Fall…

Meeting your Spirit Guides: How to make contact & work with them to manifest your dreams!

Hey everyone! I’ve added another video to my Mediumship Development series on Youtube! Every one of us has a team of spiritual guides or protectors that are here to help us accomplish our life’s mission.  At a minimum, we all…

My Oracle Deck is Now LIVE on Kickstarter!

Holy crap my oracle deck is on Kickstarter!! It’s hard to believe the project is finally LIVE! You can check it out here! Also check out the promo video I made below: I’ve bought a number of oracle decks off…