Giftless Birthdays

A Birthday without gifts! How sad! Well, maybe not! When I embraced minimalism and downsized to a house half the size, I really got acquainted with just how much stuff I had. Once you empty every cabinet, once you open…

What it feels like to be a developing medium

I wanted to do this video on the process of developing as a medium because I believe that there are many people out there who know that they have the gift of mediumship inside themselves but just can’t access it…

Oil-Free Spicy Miso Salad Dressing

So I definitely am hoping to do a lot more recipe posts in the future. Right now our new home does not have a working oven and we are on a wait list for a kitchen remodel. However, I do…

You have to check out this Appalachian Magic Shop in Waynesboro, VA

When you think of small town Virginia, an occult community doesn’t exactly come to mind. In fact, New Age bookstores and the like are few and far between here. However, I did go on a bit of a road trip…

Stop waiting

The Three of Wands in reverse reminds us that there is a time for planning and there is a time for action. Procrastination is avoidance, and anytime we find ourselves avoiding it is quite simply a response to anxiety. There’s…

Are animals that different from human beings?

A few years ago I found myself standing outside of a restaurant in Florida. The outside of the restaurant was lined with cages holding parrots and other exotic birds. One of them was just stunning. It was a pale cream…

Everything I was told about living in the country turned out not to be true!

Before making my decision to move from the city to the country, I obviously did a lot of research first. I didn’t need anyone to tell me what the pros were: fresh air, more space, friendly people, peace & quiet,…

Autoimmune Disease as a Shamanic Illness

When things are painful and don’t make sense logically, I try to find a spiritual reason. And so it was with my autoimmune disease. I have been diagnosed with both Crohn’s Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis. I believe that I have…

Ending the repetitive cycle of pain

The more I move through this life, the more I realize that wisdom is our purpose I hesitate to call myself a medium. I am in no way on par with say someone like The Long Island Medium. My connections…

How to downsize to a house HALF the size

Are you dreaming of downsizing to a little cabin in the woods? Or perhaps a sweet little cottage in the country? It was a dream of mine that I finally made a reality last month! I downsized from my 2400…