What in the world does karma have to do with psychic development? Everything. Karma is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts out there. Although it’s an often cited and almost universally accepted phenomenon, I find that people often find…
Hedge Witchery
Guided Meditation to Release Karma
I have another Mediumship Development video coming up soon, so don’t forget to subscribe if you want to be notified just as soon as it’s available! In the mean time I have created another guided meditation video. If you’re finding…
What ancient peoples can teach us about revering our enemies
To begin this post, I want to take a moment to explain that there is a difference between an enemy and an abuser. It’s a slight distinction, but with an enemy there is a certain element of competition. With an…
The 8 Things Blocking Your Psychic Abilities (And how to REMOVE them!)
When I first started out, I could always tell that I had some form of psychic abilities, even if I couldn’t always demonstrate them. It honestly felt as though there was a “stopper” blocking the flow of energy, not unlike…
Guided Meditation to Unlock Your Psychic Abilities
I believe that everyone has the ability to develop their psychic and intuitive abilities. How these gifts manifest themselves will depend heavily on the interests, personality, and past experiences of the individual, but that does not change the fact that…
Meeting your Spirit Guides: How to make contact & work with them to manifest your dreams!
Hey everyone! I’ve added another video to my Mediumship Development series on Youtube! Every one of us has a team of spiritual guides or protectors that are here to help us accomplish our life’s mission. At a minimum, we all…
A Definitive Guide to the Higher Self
If you’ve been traveling in New Age circles, you’ve probably come across the term “the Higher Self”. I too came across the term at one point and became fascinated, mostly by how controversial the idea is and how there doesn’t…
This one Law Of Attraction trick has never failed me
Some years ago I used to be self employed and ran my own little solo business. I felt like I had gotten good enough in my career that I could cut out the middle man so-to-speak and just work for…
How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox
The Fall Equinox, also known as Mabon, marks the celebration of abundance season. All around us, the vegetable garden is pumping out an excessive amount of crops. Even vegetables we haven’t seen since Spring are once again able to pop…
Capturing the Storm: Charging Talismans and Other Objects
You may have heard of things like talismans and amulets that can offer you protection, health, and good luck. But did you know that unless you “charge” the talisman then it’s just an object with no power? Hurricane Ida is…